Friday, February 12, 2010

On the road again....

Let the games begin...not just the Olympic games in Vancouver, but the 2010 travel season for me! I'm currently in Victoria for a quick camp to kick off my season right. Then I travel over the New York (well New Jersey, NY just sounds cooler) for a Team Timex gathering. Then home for a whole week of quality Richard time and laundry/packing time. Then it's down to Australia to get down to some serious business!!!

My morning wake up view, not too shabby!!
Right now I am watching the opening ceremonies for the winter Olympics, half awake, half asleep, hungry but too tired to cook. It's been a tough couple days for me, just what I needed to get my butt in gear--or at very least, very sore!!

After 5 months of no travel and relative calm, LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!
Time for 2 weeks of televised Olympic watching!!

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