Sunday, November 30, 2008

An exercise ball, foam roller, & a med ball...

My sister called last week and asked if I would babysit my 2.5 year old nephew, Noah, while they took my niece to the Flames hockey game. I'll admit I was a little hesitant at first since I haven't babysat him yet....I do have excuses for this--I've been travelling so much the last couple years, he has both sets of grandparents in town to spoil him and my brother is really good with Noah, so I'm usually the last resort choice!!

To keep him entertained we took him to the zoo for 'zoo lights'. It was opening weekend, and a little crowded but a good round of 'kick-the-Styrofoam-snowmen', a gingerbread man cookie, and a walk around looking at lights, ate up almost 2 hours of babysit time with no melt-downs! Although, I asked him if he had fun at the zoo and he replied, rather politely; "No, no I didn't"!

Then at home, all we have for 'toys' is my exercise equipment and my previously-folded clean laundry, but it did the trick! That and a round of fort building (destroyed in 30sec flat) had him fast asleep by the 3rd period of the hockey game!

The little devil and the only toddler-approved mugs in our house! He was drinking 'his coffee' all night! Note that we lost a sock when the fort collapsed! that I'm done with the exercise equipment, what else can I get into....maybe Richard's guitar hero game?!
But in the end, victory was mine!!

Piece of cake....when you get to give them back at the end of the night!! I think I was more tired than he was!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Winter Running 101:

Here is what I have learned over the last few weeks running in the cold:
  • Freezing rain+ a layer of snow+ the city crews "buffing" the pathways (they use this machine with a giant rotating brush to clear the snow) down to the icy level= one crazy icy 1:30 run!
  • The same rain/snow episode+neighbours who don't clear their sidewalks= Many 'near misses' during a tempo run.
  • -4 degree temperatures + strong wind= -13 'real-feel' temperatures on exposed skin.
  • Starting your run into the wind (on that day with the -13 windchill)= brain freeze and nearly turning back to the house to head to the gym...I pushed through it though and it made the section with the wind on my back quite pleasant.
  • Calgary Chinook+ a few back to back cold runs= +4 degrees and a really nice sunny run that I was actually over dressed for!!
Moral of the story=Winter running is always interesting, especially in Calgary!

Oh yeah...FYI: if you still have your Halloween decorations up on your lawn...your local neighbourhood runner does notice, and it is WAY past the day, so TAKE THEM DOWN!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Embracing Winter

It was brought to my attention that my last few posts have been about the weather!! I can't help it, it's in my blood to talk about the weather--Canadian & Dutch--both LOVE to talk about the weather, so it comes naturally!

Anyway, I've decided to make the most of the winter and be excited for the snow. Skate ski, snowshoe and downhill ski season are almost here!

Bundle up and head outdoors!!

On a triathlon note, started more structured training the past few weeks. The body has been protesting to doing work again, but the post-Beijing weight needs to go!!

Remembrance Day today. Remember those who fought to keep us safe.



Sunday, November 2, 2008

Is it cold out here, or is it just me?!

After many hours researching on the web and finding verification on Web MD, I've diagnosed my problem...I have Australwimpitis! After skipping winter for two years in a row to train in Australia, I've become quite adverse to the cold! The worst part is that it really hasn't been cold yet!! The last couple days have been 16 degrees!! Today, 17! While most locals were cycling and running practically naked, I still had multiple layers on!!
Richard and I did get a rare November ride to Elbow Falls (that is in the mountains for those not from here!), it was amazing! Richard was wearing just his jersey and shorts, I had 3/4 length shorts, a short & long sleeve jersey and some arm warmers on for good measure--but the scenery was fantastic!

Well, I have to find more of my winter gear...winter is supposed to show up this week with snow in the forecast....I may re-think my decision to winter in Calgary!!