Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lucky # 18

Race day is tomorrow!!! It's good because I have the taper boredom going on right now! I road the coarse today and they have a load of cameras out there, so the coverage is going to be good!

They changed our start time 10:55pm MST, so it's 15 min earlier now. My start number is lucky #18 for the race.

Feeling good, despite a cough I seemed to have picked up since arriving here. The water is a little chilly just like last year. They say it's 16 degrees but they must be delusional! I had an encounter with a plastic bag swimming, thought I was under jellyfish attack!! This is another reason to use re-usable bags people--it was gross!

There is also a larger-than-life poster of me and few girls on the bike (racing last year) on the side of a building downtown. I was in a taxi coming back from the pool when I saw it, no camera on hand! I'll try to get back there after the race to get a photo! How often are you pictured on a side of building?
Good luck to everyone racing this weekend: Wildflower, St. Croix, and local cycling races!! Let's make a good weekend for racing!


Anonymous said...

Have a great race, avoid the plastic. And that boat that is pictured behind the start on your blog. If I remember right it srifted into the race last year! Just think of the water in wasa Lake and you'll be ducky. We'll be watching the enhanced coverage on-line.

CathyZ said...

I too had a plastic bag Jelly-Fish encounter a 1/2 mile of the Solana Beach shore. Pops the HR into the red-zone pretty quickly. Better than the men in the gray suits..if you know what I mean. I was sad to see your room in Korea. If I had known I would have sent you a care package. Good Luck.. Lucky #18....swim like a sleek otter, ride like Lance, run like Lisa ( the 34:45 10K Lisa that is) Chris & I will be watching on the web-cam.
Hugs, Cathy FYI- Your Kai products will be waiting for you at home:)

Lisa Ulrich said...

Awesome! Good luck tomorrow Lisa! I will be cheering for you!