Last week was a 3 hour ride that was broken down into hour segments, so I was able to suffer through it while watching 2 movies and focusing on my HR and power. This saturday was a 3.5hour ride for workout with the only descriptor being "include some simulated long climbs" (ie. big gear stuff)....hmmm...was Coach Paul in a bad mood when he wrote this workout? This bike was going to take some mental focus & creativity on my part, especially since my legs were smashed from 2 interval workouts during the week and a 2:15 long run the day before (thanks to Grant for keeping me company on the run!)...3.5hours on the trainer was the last thing I wanted to do! Oh and did I mention, there was 20' building run off the bike attached to this ride!
I set up in the basement and went to work. Surprisingly the ride went by fairly quickly! I broke into 1hr-1.5hr-1hr sets, so it was mentally challenging (different gearing, HR's, watts) and the time went by faster. It also helped that I had a Grey's Anatomy and No Country For Old Men on the PVR. Not sure if I loved or hated NCFOM...jury is still out on that one, but it was great way to kill 122 minutes! After that, I did a quick change (there was a strong west wind, so running in my sweat soaked cycling clothes was not an option), and ran my usual loop of the neighbourhood feeling surprisingly good!
The aftermath of the ride and a clothing change before my run:
The total time on my watch...yes, that is my pasty white skin reflecting back in the photo...I really need some sun....I still had an hour of strength and core work to do after this! I can't wait for dry, gravel/ice free pavement and warm temperatures...soon Lisa, soon!! These lonely trainer rides will make me love every second of every ride outside.
The next day my legs were feeling surprisingly snappy, I even had a really strong tempo run and great swim. I was also able to schedule in some 'normal life' stuff; a brunch with the family to celebrate my big sis' b-day (don't worry Jenni, I won't post your age!!) , watch my niece's soccer game, and practise some Dutch with Nicole.
Some other news of note: I made the decision to resign from my job at NuVista to focus solely on Triathlon again--I'd been working part time post-Beijing. It was a tough decision since the gang at NuVista has been nothing but supportive of my triathlon endeavours and very understanding of my career decisions. Thanks to Alex, Steve, Pat and everyone at NuVista for all the support and experience over the past few years, I couldn't have made it to the Olympics without your support!
You'll always have Geology to fall back on if this whole triathlon thing doesn't work out for you ;P
Hey Lisa,
After reading your blog, I'm ready for a nap. I'm sure the decision to resign was a tough one, does that mean we'll see you in London in 2012?
Yep, I was told by NuVista I was always welcome back--it's always nice to know you're wanted!
And I been telling people when they is 4 years away but 4 years goes by quick when qualification starts 2 years out! Not much time for downtime--especially since if I do go for it, I want to qualify early this time!! No more round-the-world travels before the big day!! We'll see where the this year leads me....
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