After a quick week in Victoria that involved some swimming, some sweating, some mile repeats and hills with my Lifesport teammates, I left the budding cherry blossom trees for a blast of winter on the opposite coast.....
This trip was to meet all my new Team Timex buddies. Why New Jersey you ask? Timex is partnered up with the NY Giants and we were able to make use of their fancy new practise facilities....this place is sweet!!!
We also played a little football...for me this was an hour of avoiding the football and trying not to tear something in my fragile!! Seriously, Triathletes should not be allowed on the field!
And since we had a view of NYC from the Timex facility, there was an evening in NY! Here I am with Triathlete & coach, Chris Thomas, in Times Square. Lights, lights, lights....
Start counting those airmiles....