After a very long 2 days (I flew through Korea--it makes my trip home easier and was much cheaper) I finally arrived in Noosa! I flew Calgary-Seattle on Jan 12th, with a 6.5hour stop over--not much is open in downtown Seattle at 8am on a saturday! Then a 11.75 hour flight to Soeul, 2 hours in the airport, and right back on another 10hour flight to doesn't stop there...2 more hours on a shuttle bus and I was finally in Noosa at 10am on Jan 14th!
I am staying with Brad's (a friend of my Brother-in-law, who I met last year) parents in Noosa. They are super nice and have a great place, so it made all the travel worth it!! The only problem is they live on top of a hill, makes for nice views but I have to bike back up it AFTER every workout!! Good for the legs anyway!!
I was going to post pictures with this post, but after 15 of trying to load them, I gave up! I'll work on it!
Now I'm finally back into the swing of training (the 5:30am swim are rough) and getting used to the heat....I better put on some more sunscreen!
Talk to ya later,